Unraveling the Digital Success Code for Teens: A New Study Explores the Impact of New and Traditional Media on Character Development, Emotions, Prosocial Behavior, and Well-being
A recent study published in Child Development, led by Sophie Janicke-Bowles, an associate professor at Chapman University’s School of Communication, delves into the intricate relationship between new and traditional media and their influence on character development, emotions, prosocial behavior, and overall well-being (happiness) among adolescents.
Janicke-Bowles’ research expertise lies in positive psychology, media and new communication technologies, and media and spirituality. The study, released on April 13, 2023, explores how teenagers perceive and interact with digital communication, focusing on aspects such as connectedness, positive social comparison, authentic self-presentation, civil participation, and self-control.
Janicke-Bowles expressed her excitement about being part of this groundbreaking research, stating, “This study was an enlightening experience as we all seek more refined answers on how digital technologies shape our children’s lives.”
The research findings underscore the significance of supportive parental mediation and digital skills in fostering positive digital engagement among adolescents. As we look to the future, interventions aimed at enhancing digital flourishing (positive social media experiences) should take into account the crucial role of parental guidance and support in shaping adolescents’ online experiences.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research.
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