What is IPF?
The scarring associated with IPF is irreversible and progresses over several years. In most people, the cause of IPF is unknown, which is why it is called “idiopathic.”
Symptoms of IPF
Common symptoms of IPF include:
– A dry, persistent cough that may be worse with exertion or exercise. This is usually the first and most prominent symptom.
– Shortness of breath during physical activity. As Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis progresses, shortness of breath may occur with less exertion, such as walking or climbing stairs, and may even occur when at rest.
– Finger clubbing. This is a gradual shape change in the ends of fingers and nails caused by lung disease.
– Fatigue. Many people with IPF tire easily and may feel fatigued most of the time.
– Chest discomfort or tightness. The chest may feel tight or restricted with breathing.
– Loss of appetite and weight loss. As breathing becomes more difficult, eating may decrease due to shortness of breath or a feeling of fullness.
Risk Factors for Developing IPF
While the exact cause is unknown, several factors may increase the risk of developing IPF, including:
– Age. IPF is usually diagnosed in people over 50 and is rare in people under 40.
– Gender. IPF affects slightly more men than women.
– Family history. People who have had a family member with IPF have a slightly increased risk.
– Environmental exposures. Exposures to certain chemicals, pollutants, or metal dusts may increase risk, though rarely cause IPF alone.
– Tobacco use. IPF is more common in current or former smokers. Smoking exacerbates the effects of IPF.
Diagnosing IPF
If IPF is suspected based on symptoms and risk factors, a doctor will need to rule out other possible causes of interstitial lung disease through tests:
– Lung function tests. Pulmonary function tests include spirometry and tests of gas exchange in the lungs like a diffusing capacity test. Abnormal results indicate reduced lung function.
– Chest X-ray or CT scan. These imaging tests show characteristic parenchymal patterns in the lungs like sub-pleural, basal predominance of irregular linear opacities (“reticulation”). Honeycombing and traction bronchiectasis suggest substantial fibrosis.
– Lung biopsy. A surgical lung biopsy may be needed if other tests are unclear. Looking at lung tissue under a microscope can help distinguish IPF from other lung diseases.
Staging and Prognosis of IPF
Once diagnosed, IPF is staged based on how much of the lung is scarred and a person’s oxygen levels. Staging gives an idea of prognosis:
– Stage I (mild): Lung function is mildly reduced and oxygen levels are normal. Five-year survival is around 60-70%.
– Stage II (moderate): Lung function is moderately reduced and oxygen levels may be reduced with exertion. Five-year survival is around 40-50%.
– Stage III (severe): Lung function is severely reduced and oxygen levels are reduced at rest. Five-year survival drops to around 20-30%.
– Stage IV (end-stage): Lung function is very impaired and oxygen levels are low even at rest. Patients are too sick for lung transplant and median survival is 3 years from diagnosis.
Treatment and Management of IPF
While there is no known cure for IPF, several therapies can help reduce the decline in lung function and improve quality of life:
– Oxygen therapy if oxygen levels are low. Supplemental oxygen if needed at rest or with exertion.
– Pulmonary rehabilitation including exercise training. Helps build endurance and manage symptoms.
– Medications. Two antifibrotic drugs, pirfenidone and nintedanib, can slow progression in mild-moderate IPF.
– Lung transplant. For select individuals in stages III-IV who are otherwise healthy, lung transplant offers the best chance for long-term survival, though outcomes remain challenging.
– Palliation. Managing symptoms like pain, shortness of breath, and anxiety become the focus at advanced stages when transplant is not possible.
IPF is a chronic, progressive lung disease of unknown cause that gets worse over time. While it cannot be cured, a multidisciplinary approach helps maintain the best possible quality of life during all IPF stages. Ongoing research aims to uncover better ways to treat fibrosis, improve transplant survival, and find disease-modifying therapies.
I hope this article has provided a clear overview of what IPF is, how it is diagnosed and treated. Please let me know if any part needs more explanation or clarification.
1.Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc.