Counteracting Online Toxicity A Collaboration between Humans and Machines, Emphasize Researchers
The overwhelming surge of social media content being generated every second presents a daunting challenge that cannot be solely addressed by humans. Despite having access to the latest deep-learning tools, individuals tasked with identifying and reviewing harmful posts can feel inundated and emotionally distressed by the content they encounter daily. Gig-working annotators, responsible for analyzing and labeling data to enhance machine learning, often receive minimal compensation for their efforts.
In a recent publication led by Concordia in the IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, researchers advocate for the crucial support of human workers engaged in identifying toxic content, highlighting the necessity for continuous reassessment of the methodologies and tools employed for this purpose.
The study delves into social, policy, and technical strategies for automatic toxicity detection, scrutinizing their limitations while presenting potential remedies. Ketra Schmitt, co-author of the paper and associate professor at the Centre for Engineering in Society within the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science, stresses the significance of human involvement in moderation, asserting that despite advancements in automated toxicity detection, human oversight remains essential due to the inherent imperfections of existing methods.
While acknowledging the indispensable role of machine learning in managing the vast volume of content, Schmitt underscores that a balance between human judgment and AI is indispensable for effective moderation efforts. Arezo Bodaghi, lead author of the paper and research assistant at the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering, adds that the current evaluation criteria in machine and deep learning must evolve to enhance accuracy and inclusivity across multiple languages.
In pursuit of inclusive and unbiased machine-learning models, the researchers advocate for broader input from diverse groups, including non-English speakers and individuals from marginalized communities. Their participation can contribute to refining language models and datasets used in machine-learning applications.
The researchers offer concrete recommendations for companies to enhance toxicity detection, beginning with the improvement of working conditions for annotators. Proposals include shifting from piece-rate payment to hourly wages and avoiding offshoring to regions with lower wages. Furthermore, the establishment of supportive mental health programs for employees exposed to distressing content is crucial.
Additionally, companies are encouraged to foster online cultures centered on kindness, care, and mutual respect, as opposed to platforms that perpetuate toxicity. Enhancements in algorithmic approaches are proposed to minimize errors in large language models in discerning context and language nuances.
Lastly, the researchers emphasize that corporate culture at the platform level significantly influences the user experience. Neglecting user trust and safety initiatives can have wide-ranging repercussions on morale and overall user satisfaction.
In conclusion, Schmitt underscores the importance of cultivating a conducive environment for human annotators in the face of escalating online toxicity, emphasizing the need for respect, support, fair compensation, and autonomy in decision-making.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it